CASC provides many services to NATIONAL VETERANS CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE including technology, training and security
VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE name is a Delaware C Corporation, file number 3756027. A Principal Equity Holders and Intellectual Property Holder in Veterans National Center & Technology Educational Institute is an Honor Valor Courage Corporation subsidiary with Honor Valor Courage Corporation owning 51% equity and voting stock. Honor Valor Courage Corporation is a Delaware C Corporation formed December 17, 2015 File Number 5910529 EIN 81-0861935, Federal Gov. D.U.N.S. Number 099880793. Mr. Butts Chairman of Honor Valor Courage Corporation filed the name of VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNONOLGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE on September 28, 2020 in the State of Delaware as a C Corporation, # 3756027, EIN 86-1621451. Registered address is 3004 5th Ave Altoona, Pa 16602 and Registered principle is Dennis M. Butts for both.
The VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Campuses are designed to be duplicated in multiple locations throughout the United States. Each Campus may have a different appearance from the outside but our programs are consistent at all locations. Each Campus is formed as a separate Limited Liability Company (LLC). We are developing two types of Campuses around the country. First Campus which we will develop for the ground up using modular construction technology known as VNCTEI OA Campuses and the second Indoor Campuses developed from former major Shopping Malls which have closed and we renovate to VNCTEI requirement and specifications known as VNCTEI ID Campuses. All Campuses will be developing energy with Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas with microgrids and nanogrids creating a total off grid environment.
The VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS is dedicated to advanced technology, HVCC Academies, 100MW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plant utilizing Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Plant with DER and EMS and 100% battery back up by IO Energy, Secured Certified Data Center, Mirror SCIF (depending on location and fiber) with secured living quarters for personnel, OC fiber ring and the 20,000 squire foot HVCC Knowledge Center. The Campus will also be home to ISBN.LIVE, THEVETERANS.LIVE and NOW I UNDERSTAND, BROADCASTING NETWORK's and studios. The Campus will house a 500 seat lecture center for presentations to government agencies, government contractors, public presentations, Now I Understand Lectures and plays, product demonstrations and more. Each campus will provide campus veterans housing for student and families on the campus. Each campus will be able to house approximate 1000 Veterans Students who will attend classes full time or on our work study program, HVCC Academies or an apprentice at the HVCC Knowledge Center. The housing is in the form of townhouses and condo's for married students and dorms for single student. All HYDROGEN FUEL CELL power utilizing Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas with utilities provided to the living quarters by VNCTEI HYDROGEN ENGERY, Inc. All energy for all building will be provided by VNCTEI HYDROGEN, Inc. at no cost to the students or building tenants . The Campus also will be home to the administration offices, for the VNCTEI HYDROGEN ENERGY, Inc. VNCTEI HYDROGEN EBERGY, Inc. does not supply any HYDROGEN FUEL CELL with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas outside of the Campus or for public consumption of energy.
WORLDGATE VETERANS COMMUNITIES will be connected to the Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Power through our Microgrid and Nanogrids to those communities from the Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas power plant. The homes and condo at WorldGate Veterans Communities will be provided to veterans though long term leases and conditional agreements of over 20 years maturity and each WorldGate Veterans Communities ( will have their own HYDROGEN FUEL CELL with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas connected to our DER and EMS over our IO microgrids and nanogrids. The WorldGate Veterans Communities are not connected to the VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE in anyway except we offer the Veterans and their families the same educational and courses as we do to our students on campus through our MICROSOFT TEAMS NETWORKS for our HVCC ACADEMIES and college courses. Each home is connected to our central MICROSOFT TEAMS PBX as part of the basic HOA plan which includes lease or conditional fees, HYDROGEN Fuel Cells with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Power, MICROSOFT TEAMS PBX, ground maintenance, snow removal and mores. All homes are owned by VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. Each WORLDGATE VETERANS COMMUNITITES are planned for approximately 10,000 homes.
Campus Locations are under consideration for VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Campuses around the country under our Mall Campus program. These campuses are located in former shopping mall which are bought and renovated to meet the requirement of VNCTEI Campuses. Each ID Campus must be a minimum of 800 to 1 million square feet. Each Campus is a separate Limited Liability Company with the principal equity holder and managing member as Veterans National Center & Technology Education Institute.
Mr. Butts is the Chairman of Honor Valor Courage Corporation which has 34 divisions and LLCs, and 13 Academies. Mr. Butts is A highly decorated Vietnam Veteran and was awarded three Purple Heart Medals as a Forward Observer with Delta 212 Marines attached to First Battalion Ninth Marines (1/9) known as the Walking Dead and the All American Hero Award in 2013 at the Hero Ball during the 2013 Inauguration. There have been three books written about Mr. Butts in Vietnam and his time working with troops with PTSD and TBI. Letters to Mom, Still the Monkey and Beyond the Wall the Journey Home. He was the HOST and producer of the acclaimed cable TV Show After Action Report for four years and now being relaunched this fall on THEVETERANS.LIVE broadcasting
VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE under an agreement with Veterans Sunrise Center, Inc. 501 C 3 to donate a percentage of the profits to the 501 C 3 from the VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONL INSTITUTE to support the ongoing operations and programs.
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